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Thursday 31 December 2015

Sekedar Coretan Part 6: See You 2015!

Hello, we meet again... Maaf lama gak nulis haha...

Berhubung ini penghujung tahun 2015... Gue akan menutup tahun ini dengan sebuah post yang menggambarkan apa yang gue rasakan selama belakangan ini...

I will said Happy New Year 2016 (and oh yeah, Merry Christmas too) for you all. Hope you enjoy the new year, stay healthy and else...

So, until we meet again in 2016...


"Abis liat foto temen lama, jadi makin mikir... Selama ini sebenernya ini bukan sih yang gue inginkan?

I feel, at first i'm excited, but...

Now, that passion, that feeling, that same feeling that make me come to this place was gone... Is this what i really want?

I'm questioned myself for many months, turn out that it will be very painful for me... To be honest, i'm not as good or great as you think..

Some of you was just like thinking, "Wow, you really lucky, you can study in other places, etc.." Really, i'm not thinking like that right now... I just think that i never ready for this...

What i'm become right now was really different... Trust me, you never seen the truth about me here... It's always be my secret...

And it's the darkest secret of me, that i think no one will ever think about it... Now, i've begin to breakdown again...

And i know, if i want to survive once again in this place, i must wake up and get that passion, get that same feeling again...

Unless, i will be always in the same place where i fell, i never will wake up or rise again... I will drowned in this place...

I've questioned myself, i've questioned my future, i've questioned everything that i've done here... That i think, i'm not suppose be here

I still don't know how it will end... I think it will never end, unless i fight it over... But it's too late...

Salah jurusan? Gue gak tau... Tapi sepertinya passion gue terhadap dunia ini terasa mati.. Gue udah gak ngerasain apa2 lagi, it's just numb..

This is what i feel, this is what i just really feel... And it’s always been the answers to all your question for all this time...

That i just lost all my passion and my feeling about this “kind” of world...

So, no more question, you already hear the answers now... I demand to fix what i can fix... What’s done is done, i can’t change the dark past that i’ve created all by myself for this 1.5 years...  I’m sorry for everything i’ve done before...

I feel like everyone’s laughing at me now... Even my old schoolmates maybe doing this, that i will never “win” in this life from them... I will ended up losing myself in the progress and right now, i’m really losing myself in out of nowhere...

And i know this was very stupid... Very stupid mistake that will never happen if i never questioned myself...

Let me take a deep breath and try to wake up from this whole mess..."

Sunday 13 December 2015

Trailer Tekken 7 Fated Retribution

Ada yang nonton trailernya sejak kemaren sore? Mungkin sebagian udah nonton dan berteriak "WHAT THE ****??" di tengah trailernya... Tenang aja, gak cuma anda kok yang teriak begitu karena saya juga...

Karena jujur, gak ada satupun yang memprediksikan kalau bakalan ada plot twist besar-besaran di dalam trailer Tekken 7 Fated Retribution ini... Yap, you hear it right, Tekken 7 will have an expansion (i think it will be on next year?). Dan jika kalian masih bertanya-tanya soal apa plot twistnya, silahkan nonton sendiri trailernya...

Saya gak akan komentar banyak (dari kemaren udah banyak komentar) karena kalian juga akan berkomentar mengenai pendapat kalian soal trailer ini, it's really f**king awesome trailer!!! "That" f**kin guy was always on the trailer since EVO and you guys (included me) never know about him...

Dan saya sepertinya menemukan teori konspirasi kenapa ada rage arts di Tekken 7 dari video ini

Jadi kalian suka dengan plot twist yang dibuat Namco? Yay or Nay?